Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sometimes You Are Your Biggest Obstacle To Overcome

What started as a personal journey soon became a source of hope, inspiration and guidance for everyone. Author Micky Land has had the opportunity, due to her profession, to hear the trials and tribulations of others and to share with them the truths she has discovered in her own life. “Ending the War With Myself” is the culmination of those conversations and lessons learned while examining the emotions impacted by internal and external influences that surround our daily lives.

Through the use of poetry, thought provoking questions for readers, inspirational scriptures and exercises geared for self understanding “Ending the War With Myself” is a wonderfully crafted guide for both believers and nonbelievers. The in-depth look at the emotions triggered by the impact of influences of life will have you searching your own feelings from a new perspective. Through this journey of discovering the Lord you will find the answer to questions such as:
  • Why don’t I feel connected to God?
  • What effects do our childhood experiences have on our emotions?
  • I’ve heard of self esteem but what is God Esteem?
  • What is the Royale Rule?
  • What is the good news of Jesus Christ?
  • What does ‘saved by grace’ really mean?
Micky’s experience as a licensed professional counselor enables her to research and deliver her observations and thoughts in a professional yet tender manner that compliments her passion for the Lord wonderfully. With an analytical and honest writing style Mickey displays her quest and motivations with purpose and desire. Her ability to protect those she has counseled yet use the core meaning of their situations gives us a real life example that we are not alone in our struggles; there is hope. For that she is commended.

“Ending the War With Myself” is a powerful resource for both new and old Christians as we navigate not only this world but the battles raging within us.

“Ending the War With Myself” will encourage you to actively search out the Lord through the study of his word and everyday life. He is all around us; waiting for us to open our hearts and trust Him. Then we will see the true meaning of happiness through salvation. If you have asked any of the above questions I highly recommend this book.

For a free review of “Ending the War With Myself” please visit this SITE.

Please join Micky on her blog and share your thoughts. HERE

Title: Ending the War With Myself
Author: Anna “Micky” Land L.P.C
ISBN: 978-1-60477-269-2
Genre: Christian Resource
Pages: 134
Reviewed By: Brian Knight
Official Premium Promotional Services Rating: 4-Star



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