Monday, July 26, 2010

Grace Is

Grace is victorious in my life when I come To the place where I can accept myself For who I am and where I am regardless Of my past or present failures; Grace is victorious in my life when I can Say about myself what God says about me: “I am forgiven. “I am loved by God. “I am a child of God.” “I am righteous in God’s sight.” “I am accepted in the beloved.” “I am the disciple whom Jesus loves.” Grace is Victorious in my life when I know And experience God as my best friend With my best interests at heart. Grace is victorious in my life when I know And experience I am at one with God, And at one with myself. Grace is victorious in my life when I can Rest in the Sabbath rest of God, And befriend and encourage myself as God does. Knowing and experiencing His mercy, His love, His grace, His guidance; because I give myself Mercy, love, grace, forgiveness, acceptance, and Godly guidance. by Micky Land

What do I do now?



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