About the Book

"Ending the War with Myself" reveals an essential aspect of our faith that is being neglected: a loving relationship with ourselves.

This ingredient is critical for Christian growth and furthering the kingdom of God. Readers get a "heads up" on how not to unwittingly block the grace of God by overlooking Jesus' command. You will: Begin to accept yourself as God does. Better receive all God has already given you. Begin to give yourself, love and forgiveness in spite of not being all you want to be as a Christian. Experience God as more merciful than you ever imagined.

Understand how emotional healing improves your spiritual life. Better grasp the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Understand the term "God Esteem" Every minute of every day, God offers us His family, Jesus' Inheritance, His leadership and acceptance. Experience your heart connecting with the heart of God.


5-Star Amazon Review:
Amazing and Revealing Work that Transforms Your Life
This is one of the clearest and most profound books I have yet to read in regards to living out a positive and meaningful life. I found practical applications and insights that have allowed me to live a life free from guilt, negative thoughts, and bitterness.
I recommend this to anyone who wants freedom in their relationship with themselves, others, and God!
> Brad E. Hinton<


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