Thursday, August 19, 2010

Upon Being Authentic

An Open heart is a teachable heart. A heart desiring truth; truth about yourself, truth from others, and truth with the God of this Universe.

An Open heart is a humble heart, one that is willing to listen and learn, yet decide for themselves.

An Open heart leads to authenticity, integrity and peace within.

An Open heart is sensitive to know God, to understand other's needs and their own needs.

An Open heart leads to Grace being victorious in your life. 

      If you, like me, have an Open Heart, I would ask you to travel with me on the road to Christian Authenticity.  People are hurting inside and outside the church. Those on the outside don't want any more lectures about being sinful. I once asked a friend why does the word sin, make so many people angry as it only means "missing the mark of perfection" which most people, Christian and non-Christian alike would admit? "Oh, I'm not perfect."
      My non-Christian friend answered, "I already know I'm a sinner. I don't need to be told that."  So lets talk about the Good News of the Gospel.  The reality is Christians are squirrely, just like the non-Christians yet the Good news of the Gospel makes a difference in our lives. Can you as a Christian describe what is so good about the good news of the Gospel in your life  That is the question for today.

I will be off the Internet for a few days but will be back next week. God does indeed bless!!!! Micky



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