Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I am a practical person, maybe to a fault. I love to discuss theoretical issues, yet when all is said and done, I want to know how to live out what was discussed. A Sunday School teacher of mine once said, "Exhortation without explanation leads to frustration." He was expressing his feelings regarding a teacher or a pastor who spends his time urging us to be or do something the Bible tells us, such as, "Do not provoke your children to anger (Ephesians 6:4)” without giving us the biblical information of how to do that. My teacher knew frustration would set in as we tried to live up to the exhortation. As I have found in working with hundreds of people when you try and fail, you more than likely will judge yourself. Judging yourself, as I have stated before, leads to depression, a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness.

I am more interested in the how to of my faith. So when I read my Bible I am looking for the how to. For me the four Gospels seem to be more the exhortation part of the equation while the Epistles seem to be the explanation or the how to of our faith. Jesus had a lot to say about how we should live. One of His bottom line messages is "You are to be perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).” Oh my, how is that possible? How can I do that?

It is my belief that since Jesus came to live out the law for us, He regularly pointed out the legal requirement for fellowship with God: perfection. Yet He knew we could not do this. I believe He was giving the people the opportunity to exclaim, "We cannot do this, Lord. We need a savior." Then in response He would tell them He would do it for them by living a perfect life and taking their punishment for not being able to be perfect. All for the purpose of opening a way for us to become, not just creations of God, but children of God with all the rights and privileges that Jesus has (Ephesians 2: 4-6).

One example of a man who wanted to know the "how to" was the Pharisee, Nicodemus. He slipped in to see Jesus in the middle of the night to ask questions. Jesus told him you must be born again. Nicodemus asked "How can a person be born again?" We, like Nicodemus, might ask Jesus, "How can I be perfect? I know I am not perfect as a Christian?"

Colossians 3:3 states, "You have died and your life is now hidden in Christ." The old you is dead that part of you that kicks against God's will. That part of you that could care less about what God wants for your life. That part of you who desires to live outside of God's will. As children of God we will of course experience these attitudes from time to time, but when we do we will desire with all our heart not to express these attitudes anymore. We will live with a desire to be the person God created us to be. This attitude change will be a sign that you are in Christ.

Now Colossians 3:3 is either true or not true. We have died and our lives are now hidden in Christ. Know that each verse that says, "Christ in you, the hope of Glory;”(Colossians 1:26-27) there are 10 verses that say you are now "in Christ." Colossians 3 also says you are hidden "in Christ." Because I am hidden in Christ, I know I am concealed and protected inside the God of this universe. In this hidden place I am loved. Jesus encourages me, guides me, corrects me, and fellowships with me. Even when chaos reigns in my daily world I see myself nestled away from the harshness, confusion, and evil of this world. Jesus does the warfare. He is on the front line living His perfect resurrected life in and through me. This is how we live a perfect life: we take God's word that Jesus will live it for us. Christ in me lives out that life while at the same time my earthly miss steps are covered and forgiven by the blood of Jesus.

What might hidden in Christ mean to you personally? How might the phrase hidden in Christ comfort you? Some synonyms for hidden are concealed, out of sight, veiled, and invisible.


Anonymous said...

I need to read & re-read this until it settles deep into my understanding.


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