Thursday, August 26, 2010


  I just returned from a fun trip with a number of our couple friends. Having enjoyed every minute of my time spent with each and all of them, I find myself back home overwhelmed.  Clothes to wash;  suitcases to empty; the yard needs watering; I haven't posted on the blog since last week and need to; a doctors' appointment; lunch with an old friend; lunch with a long time grammer school friend, and on and on.

I feel frazled inside and out. So what do I do? I just stay frazzled, feeling the cahos internally moment by moment until I sense the Lord say to me, "When you are overwhelmed, that is when I do my best work. I will walk you through the day."  At that moment I literraly felt a sigh of relief as I breathed out the cahos and breated in the peace. Oh the peace of the Lord is precious even when it is about things that might seem trivial to others. 1 Corinthians 14:32 For God is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order.



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